elizabeth poole
Well, I have a day job, too.
Resume Summary
- 2004:
- "Art Quilts at the Whistler", The Whistler House Museum of Art, Lowell, Massachusetts
- CHIP Center at University of Conntecticut, Hartford, CT
- Patchwork & Quilt Expo IX 2004, Den Haag, Netherlands
- AQUA Art Quilts in Amberst, Fiber Art Center, Amherst, MA
- The Gallery, Visual Arts Center, Brookdale Community College, Lincroft, New Jersey
- 2003:
- Ellen Traut Collection Gallery, Hartford, CT
- CHIP Center at University of Conntecticut, Hartford, CT
- International Quilt Festival – Quilts: A World of Beauty, Houston, TX
- 2002:
- "Art Quilts at the Whistler", The Whistler House Museum of Art, Lowell, Massachusetts
- 2000:
- "Quilts=Art=Quilts", Schweinfurth Gallery, Auburn, NY
- 1998:
- "The Kiss", ETS traveling show invitational, Sunnyvale, CA
- 1997:
- "Collective Fusion," Notrad group show, New Pieces Gallery, Berkeley, CA
- "Notrad Does Nihon," Quilt Week Yokohama, group invitational show, Japan
- 1996:
- "That's Not a Real Quilt," group show, shown at Quilt Expo in Lyons, France; International Quilt Show, Houston, Texas;
- 1994:
- "The Internet Connection," Notrad on-line group show, traveled throughout the U.S., Australia and New Zealand