The only constant is change.

Elizabeth Poole is a self-taught textile artisan with a BFA in graphic design, neither of which she uses in her day job as a software engineer. Access to the internet brought her into contact with a dazzling array of folk who were as interested in making art quilts as she, and so a core group of them founded NoTrad, a very early art quilt email list. Members of this list created several internationally touring exhibits, and Elizabeth's work appeared in "The Internet Connection", "That's Not A Real Quilt", "NoTrad Does Nihon", and "Collective Fusion". Her wall pieces and garments have also appeared at Quilts=Art=Quilts at the Schweinfurth, QH Lancaster, IQS Houston, Quilt Expo in Lyons, and Quilt Week Yokohama.
Elizabeth lives and works in the mid-Hudson valley north of Manhattan. She treasures most the recent juried art quilt show rejection slip that describes her work as "too innovative for category constraints".